
Dr. Phuong Nguyen-Tri
University Professor


Google scholar




Professor Phuong Nguyen-Tri is a regular professor at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Quebec, Canada. He is the founder of the Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Energy and Environment (Nguyen-Tri Lab) at UQTR and holds the UQTR Research Chair of Advanced materials for Health and Security at work. He obtained his M.Sc. degree from École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Mulhouse, France and a Ph.D. degree in Material Sciences from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, France in 2009. He worked for two years (2009-2011) as a non-tenure track Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Polymers (now Laboratoire Procédés et Ingénierie en Mécanique et Matériaux, Paris) at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris. During 2011-2015, he worked at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Montréal, Canada as a researcher for the Research Chair in Protective Materials and Equipment for Occupational Health and Safety. From 2015 to 2019, professor Nguyen-Tri worked as a Research Officer in the Department of Chemistry at the Université de Montréal (UdeM), Canada before accepting a professorship position at UQTR. His main research interests are nanomaterials, hybrid nanoparticles, smart coatings, polymer crystallization, polymer aging and polymer blends and composites. He is also visiting Professor at UdeM and associate Professor at ETS of Montréal, regular member of I2E3, CQMF and CREPEC of Quebec.

Postdoctoral fellows

Lab manager

Google scholar


Dr. Nhu Nang Vu obtained his B.S. in Chemistry from Hanoi University of Sciences, Viet Nam, in 2014. He entered Université Laval, Canada and completed his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering, in 2020. His graduate work focused on development of photocatalysts for water splitting and CO2 reduction using solar energy. He joins Nguyen-Tri lab as a postdoctoral fellow after receiving his doctorate. His current research is focusing on development of advanced nanomaterials for anti-bacterial and antiviral applications. Dr. Nhu Nang Vu is also the manager of the Nguyen-Tri Lab.

Dr. Mostafa Eesaee

Semantic scholar

Dr. Mostafa Eesaee was born in Iran, in 1988. He received the B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering from Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, in 2010, the M.Sc. degree in Polymer engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2012, and his PhD in material science from École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS) in Montreal, Canada, in 2019. He is working in Nguyen-Tri Lab as a postdoctoral fellow. His research interests include advanced characterizations and the development of new materials based on thermoplastic polymers.


Dr. Jaspal Singh

Dr. Jaspal Singh did his M.Sc .in  Physics from CCS University, Meerut in 2009 and completed his M.Tech. (Nanoscience and Technology) from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi. Dr.Singh obtained his Ph.D. from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India in 2018. During his Ph.D. he worked on TiO2 plasmonic nanocomposites photocatalysis and photovoltaic applications. Thereafter he moved to the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi as an Institute Postdoctoral Fellow where he worked extensively on TMDCs-based nanohybrids and employed them for SERS, and water purification applications. After that, He worked as a Postdoctoral fellow at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea and explored the optical properties o fMXene-based quantum dots. His current research activities include the synthesis of multi-functional metal-oxides hybrid Nanostructures, Plasmonic nanocomposites and two-dimensional TMDCS-based nanohybrids for photocatalytic, SERS, optical and antibacterial applications.

Dr. Dridi Donia

Dr. DRIDI Donia was born in Tunisia, in 1988. She received her Master degree in materials physics and applications in 2012 from Carthage University, Tunisia. She obtained her Doctoral Degree in sciences and technologies – Physics from Carthage University, Tunisia in 2019. During her Ph.D., she worked on the synthesis and characterization of silver doped zinc oxide thin films for photoelectrochemical applications. After that, she worked as a post-doc fellow for several years in the Laboratory of nanomaterials and systems for renewable energies in Research and technology center of energy, Tunisia. Her research interests include the synthesis of binary and ternary metal oxides namely NiO, ZnO, SnO2 , TiO2 , NiWO4 by different methods such as sol-gel, co-precipitation and hydrothermal for photoelectrochemical, photocatalysis and gas detection applications. She joined Nguyen-Tri Lab as a postdoctoral fellow. her research project focuses on the Synthesis and characterization of silverbased photocatalyzed hybrid nanoparticles for work safety and medicinal applications.

Visiting researcher

Dr. Alireza Saidi
Adjunct professor


With an academic background in textile engineering and holding a Ph. D degree applied to the development of flexible printable electronics from Grenoble Institute of Technology in France, Alireza Saidi is a professional researcher at the Robert-Sauvé Research Institute in occupational health and safety (IRSST) where his research focuses on the development of smart personal protective equipment using smart textiles and advanced materials. Before joining IRSST, he worked for several years as a project manager in industrial research and development groups in fields such as technical textiles, smart textiles and flexible and expandable electronics. He is the author and co-author of several scientific publications.

Dr. Aymen Amine ASSADI
Visiting researcher

Google scholar

Dr. Aymen Amine Assadi has completed his Ph.D from Chemistry Engineer School ENSCR in Rennes, France. He joined ENSCR as associate professor in 2014. He obtained recently (June 2019) his Thesis Director Enabling Degree “HDR” (Photo-electrocatalytic Reactor Design for Advanced Oxidation Processes – University of Rennes 1) in Process Engineering. His field of expertise concerns environmental engineering and especially the study of physical and chemical treatments in relation with traces compounds. His research focuses mainly on processes involving electric reactor (nonthermal plasma) and photocatalysis oxidation of micro-pollution and / or processes involving a transfer to a solid phase. He has skills in modelling and simulation of depollution processes for industrial scale extrapolation. He published more than 85 A ranking publications and 2 patents. He is Editor of three Elsevier Books and has two book – chapters and presented more than 70 communications at international meetings. He is associate editor (Springer journals), guest editor and regular reviewer for many international peer reviewed journals. He joins Nguyen-Tri Lab as visiting researcher working on the topic of understanding the synergistic effect between cold plasma and photocatalysis for environmental applications.


Graduate students

Safa Ladhari
Ph.D student

Safa Ladhari completed double Engineering degrees; a B. Eng in Technical Textile and Fibers from École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Sud Alsace, France (The National School of Engineers in Southern Alsace  – ENSISA) and another B. Eng in Textile Engineering from Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Monastir, Tunisia (The National School of Engineers in Monastir – ENIM) in 2018 after being selected for the (ENSISA-ENIM) dual degree program funded by a full scholarship from the State of Tunisia. She also obtained her Master of Research degree (M2) in 2017 in Mechanics and Fiber Sciences from (ENSISA), France. She is currently enrolled as a PhD student in the Doctorate Program in Energy and Materials Sciences, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Quebec, Canada, under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen-tri at the Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Energy and Environment (Nguyen-Tri Lab). The research focuses on the development of new textile materials based on antiviral nanoparticles for protective equipment against SARS-CoV-2

Payman Ghassemi
Ph.D student

Payman Ghassemi obtained his Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering in 2011 from UTM, Malaysia. He worked as a research assistant at DTU Conversion Energy, Denmark. His research interests are preparation/synthesis of novel functional polymers, composite materials, polymer membranes, nanomaterials, crystallization, and nanoscale characterization, renewable energy, water treatment, and gas separation technology. At present, he is a Ph. D candidate at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), under the supervision of Prof. Phuong Nguyen-Tri. His thesis topic is related to the functional polymers for separation technology.

Chenni Abdenour
Ph.D student

Chenni Abdenour obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical engineering in 2011 and Master’s degree in Polymer Engineering Materials in 2013 from the University of BEJAIA, ALGERIA. From 2014 to 2019, he was lecturer in organic chemistry and thermodynamics courses and other analytical courses  at the University of BEJAIA. His main research interests include the development and characterization of biomaterials based on bio-polymers extracted from biomass waste using different manufacturing processes intended for use in different industrial fields. He joins Nguyen-Tri Lab to pursue his Ph.D studies which mainly forcuses on the conversion of biomasses into biopolymeres in combination with natural antibiotics for the fabrication of antimicrobial polymers.

Houssam-eddine Nemamcha
Ph.D student

Houssam-eddine Nemamcha is a Ph. D candidate in Energy and Materials Sciences program at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). He obtained the Master degree, on June 2020, in materials engineering process from the University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma – Algeria with excellent grades. His research work, under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen-Tri, focuses on the preparation of nanomaterials and their use in the fields of energy, health and environment. He also has a high interest in scientific activities related to environment protection.

Quang-Thanh Dinh
Ph.D Student

Quang Thanh Dinh received his Engineer’s degree in Chemical Engineering in 2018 from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. Then, he enrolled in the master’s program in advanced material science and nanotechnology at University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnam. He joined Nguyen-Tri Lab, UQTR in March 2021 for the research internship after awarded Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED). During his internship, he was awarded the scholarship under “Programme d’aide à l’internationalisation de la recherche (PAIR)” to pursue doctoral studies in advanced nanomaterial at UQTR starting from Summer 2022. His studies, under the supervision of Prof. Phuong Nguyen-Tri, focus on the conversion of residual biomass to 2D materials for energy applications.

Claire Stuppa
Ph.D student

Claire Stuppa is a PhD candidate in the Lignocellulosic Materials Science and Engineering program at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR). She obtained her Master’s degree in materials engineering in October 2021 at the European School of Engineering in Materials in Nancy, France. Her future research work, under the supervision of Professors Phuong Nguyen-Tri and Simon Barnabé, focuses on the strategy of biopolymer-based multilayers for compostable cellulosic packaging. She is also very interested in any kind of activities related to environmental protection and nature preservation.

Marcos Antonio Polinarski
Ph.D Student

Marcos Antonio Polinarski is a Brazilian researcher. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering in 2018, and his Master’s degree in Energy Engineering in Agriculture in 2020. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Engineering and Technology at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) in Brazil and a Ph.D. candidate in Energy and Materials Sciences program at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), under the supervision of Prof. Phuong Nguyen-Tri. His research focuses on the development of antiviral textile materials incoporated with chitosan-grafted silver nanoparticles.

Tuan Duy Doan
Ph.D Student

Tuan Duy Doan obtained his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Petro Vietnam University, Viet Nam, in 2020. He is currently a Ph. D candidate in Energy and Materials Sciences program at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), under the supervision of Prof. Phuong Nguyen-Tri. His studies focus mainly on the synthesis and characterization of mixed ligand metal – organic frameworks for energy and environmental applications.

Dinh-Son Tran
Ph.D Student

Dinh Son Tran is a future Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen-Tri at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR). He received his Degree of Engineer in Chemical Engineering in 2019 at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. Then, he obtained his Master’s degree in Nanotechnology at the School of Integrative Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Korea in August 2021. His future research at UTQR will focus on Electrocatalysis for efficient CO2 conversion into valuable chemical feedstocks (e.g., formate salts and formic acid).

Masoud Tayefi
Ph.D Candidate

Masoud Tayefi was born in Iran, in 1990. He received the M.Sc. degree in Polymer engineering from Iran polymer and petrochemical institute, Tehran, Iran in 2015. He worked as the lab specialist of Polymer and Composite laboratory at MAPNA Generator and Wind Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Co. (PARS), Iran. To pursue his education, he is currently enrolled as a PhD student in the Doctorate Program in Energy and Materials Sciences under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen-tri at the Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Energy and Environment (Nguyen-Tri Lab), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Quebec, Canada. His research focuses on the Identification, characterization and development of elastomeric composites.


Karim Bemsalem
Ph.D Candidate

Karim Bensalem has a variable experience in the metal processing industry where he worked as a CNC programmer, draftsman, and production planner 2014-2018. He obtained his first master’s degree in 2009 at the University of Bejaia in Algeria where he worked on the effect of the application of a magnetic field on the thickness of the boundary layer, the nature of the flow, and the rate of cooling of industrial tube conducting a hot liquid. He then obtained a second master’s degree in engineering-concentration mechanical engineering delivered by the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in 2014, where he worked on the effect of hygrothermal aging of a polypropylene composite reinforced with short hemp fibers. In 2019, he joined the Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Products and Processes (LMP3) at the University of Quebec at Rimouski (UQAR), where he worked on laser surface hardening of tool steels. In the autumn of 2022, he joins the Nguyen-Tri Lab as a Ph.D student and will work specifically on aging mechanisms and weathering effects such as ozone, humidity, and temperature changes on the durability and degradation of elastomer-based materials.

Ph.D. Student

GilBERT ROMEO NKANA NKANA obtained a master’s degree in inorganic chemistry in 2018 at the Université de Douala Cameroun and his work focused on the fabrication of activated carbon from biomass waste (cotton stalks) for the elimination of heavy metals in the aqueous phase. From 2017 to 2019, he was a course assistant in general chemistry courses and practical laboratory work in the department of physics and chemistry at the faculty of sciences of the University of Douala Cameroon. He joined the research team of Pr. André Lajeunesse in the fall of 2019 following his admission to the lignocellulosic materials engineering program and worked on the design of biomaterials by the electrostatic extrusion from chemical modified biopolymer (Chitosan) to improve the specificity of materials concerning pharmaceutical residues in an aqueous medium. In the winter of 2022, he joined the research team of Pr. Phuong Nguyen-Tri is to continue this work and complete his doctoral thesis on the same theme.

Thi Ha Nguyen
Ph.D. candidate

Thi Ha Nguyen was awarded a bachelor degree in Biology Education in 2006 and a master degree of Microbiology in 2011. Her projects were concentrated on seeking strains of microorganisms and plant species capable of producing biologically active compounds such as enzymes and antimicrobial compounds, especially antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral activities. Currently she is pursuing the topic of integrating these compounds into surface materials to enhance the usefulness of these materials.Her thesis is being done under the supervision of Professor Nguyen Tri Phuong

Rachid Amrhar
Ph.D. candidate

Rachid AMRHAR, obtained his first master degree in materials engineering specializing in plastics and metallurgy from Abdelmalek Saady University in Morocco, has now acquired a second master’s degree in innovative smart and sustainable materials from the University of Toulon in France, obtained in 2022. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in a joint supervision program between the University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres, under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen Tri, and the University of Toulon, under the supervision of Professor Pascal CARRIERE. His research project focuses on developing new photoreactive biosheets with antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

Trinh Hoang Nghia
Ph.D. Candidate

Trinh Hoang Nghia  graduated from the Military Technical Academy in 2020, a prestigious school in his hometown, with a major in Chemical engineering. Moreover, back in 2022, he achieved a master’s degree in Water – Environment – Oceanography from the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) University, one of the famous universities in Vietnam affiliated with France. In addition, before coming to Canada to study and work at Nguyen Tri lab, he had more than 1 year of experience working at the Institute of Tropical Technology as a researcher in the nanomaterial field. His future research under the supervisor Nguyen Tri Phuong was to synthesize and develop some membranes for fuel cell application from advanced polymeric composites.

Giang Hoang
Ph.D. Candidate

Giang Hoang graduated with a Master’s degree in Chemistry from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, in Oct 2023. Her study mainly focused on the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks applied for heavy metal ion detection and treatment. In her Ph.D at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, she works on advanced materials for biogas purification under the supervision of Prof. Phuong Nguyen-T

Camille Venne
M.Sc Student

Camille Venne received the B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in 2020 after completing a technical program in Analytical Chemistry. Throughout her experiences, she had the chance to familiarize with biopolymers, analytical chemistry and functionalization of polysaccharides. She joins Nguyen-Tri’s lab as a master student and her research interests are surface modifications of textiles and advanced nanomaterials aimed towards the inactivation of bacteria and viruses.

Cédrik Boisvert
M.Sc Student

Cédrik Boisvert is an undergraduate at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). He started his bachelor in chemistry in fall 2020. Now he started his master in summer 2023.He joins Nguyen-Tri Lab to work on synthesis and evaluation of antimicrobial activity of hybrid nanoparticles.

Imen Hamouda
M.Sc Student

Imen Hamouda est diplômée de l’Institut national des sciences appliquées et de Technologie (INSAT). Elle a rejoint le laboratoire de Nguyen-Tri en 2022 pour développer le sujet du vieillissement du caoutchouc synthétique en conditions accélérées pour son projet de fin d’études. Actuellement, elle appartient au laboratoire de Nguyen Tri en tant qu’étudiante en maîtrise, elle est inscrite au programme de maîtrise en science et génie des matériaux lignocellulosiques

Hiba Roubio
M.Sc Student

Hiba Roubio is an international student from Morocco  graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from University Mohamed V Rabat, She is a master student in Energy and Materials Science at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières. Under the esteemed mentorship of Professors Jacques Huot and Nguyen-tri Phuong, her research will delve into the exploration of high-entropy alloys for hydrogen storage, particularly focusing on the influence of stoichiometry on the formation of Laves phases in Hf-Ti-Nb-V-Zr alloys. Through synthesizing compositions such as Hg13Ti4Nb17V45Zr21 and Hf13Ti3Nb18V51Zr15, she aspire to unravel their crystalline structures, microstructures, and hydrogen storage properties. 


Corentin Bianquis
B.SC Student

Corentin Bianquis is a French student specialized in organic and environmental chemistry at UQTR currently. He realizes an intern of 6 months in Canada before coming back from Paris to continue studies. He works in Nguyen-Tri’s laboratory from May 2022 to July 2022 with the main goal to synthesize and characterize silver-based hybrid nanoparticles for health applications.


Charlène Rayaisse
B.SC Student

Charlène Rayaisse, originaire du Burkina Faso, a déménagé au Canada pour poursuivre ses études. Depuis 2020, elle est inscrite au programme de baccalauréat en chimie de l’UQTR. Elle a rejoint le groupe de Nguyen-Tri Lab pour son stage sur l’étude du vieillissement thermique accéléré des caoutchoucs synthétiques.

Canh Bui-Ba

Canh Bui-Ba was born in Vietnam, in 1998. He was an undergraduate student in Physical Chemistry at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2021. And right away, he started his Master’s program. Currently, he is participating in an exchange program at the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) with Canada- ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED). He takes part in the research group, under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen-Tri for his internship focusing on the synthesis of Quantum Dots Materials to support the conversion of CO2 by solar energy.

Oussama Baaloudj

Oussama BAALOUDJ is an Algerian researcher in the field of pharmaceutical process engineering. He was born in Algeria, in 1994. He began his primary and intermediate studies and High School in his hometown. After obtaining his baccalaureate degree in 2013, he joined the National Polytechnic School, from which he graduated with a master and an engineering degree in pharmaceutical process engineering in 2018. Then, he succeeded in the Ph.D. competition of the Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology (USTHB) and started doing research to obtain his Ph.D. degree. His research investigates the elimination of antibiotics in wastewater by advanced oxidation processes. His scientific interests are also focused on the field of pharmaceutical science, analysis, modeling, water treatment, materials synthesis, photocatalysis and materials science for environmental protection and energy production. He has gained the Scopus Awards Algeria 2022 in recognition of his scholarly contribution to research as an outstanding young researcher. Currently, he is participating in an internship at the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen-Tri.

Juliette Vallée-Bastien Student

Juliette Vallée-Bastien is an undergraduate student at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). She began her bachelor’s degree in chemistry in the fall of 2020. She joined the Nguyen-Tri Lab to improve her knowledge of organicand polymer chemistry by working on the degradation of rubber by ozone. A project that will help Hydro-Québec improve its infrastructureThus, a comparative study of the biodegradation of textile materials for protective equipment.

Hugo Dupart Student

Hugo Duprat is a student from the University Institute of Technology in Toulouse, France. He started his University Bachelor of technology (BUT) in 2021. He joined Nguyen-Tri Lab from March 2023 to July 2023 for his internship focusing on the improvement of the barrier properties of amorphous PLA-coated paper. More precisely, he researched to develop this layer with clay on it to enhance its properties 

Thai Ha Hoang Student

Thai Ha Hoang is a master’s student in Advanced Material Science and Nanotechnology at the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH). He graduated from Hanoi National University of Education with a bachelor’s degree in physics and education in 2021. He is interested in exploring the properties and applications of nanomaterials for renewable energy and environmental remediation. He was awarded the Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED) in 2023, which enabled him to conduct research on the preparation of advanced hybrid nanoparticles at the Nguyen-Tri lab in Canada for six months

former members

POStdoctoral fellows

Dr. Sanil Rajak


Dr. Sanil Rajak obtained his B.Sc. Chemistry degree from the University of Mumbai, India, in 2011 and his M.Sc. Chemistry from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India in 2013. He worked as a professional researcher at BASF-The Chemical Company for one year before joining the Institut de recherche sur l’hydrogène of the University du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Canada, to pursue the Ph.D study in Science of Energy and Materials. His dissertation topic “Design and Development of Diaminotriazine based Molecular Catalyst for Light-Driven Hydrogen Production”. He has joined the Nguyen-Tri research lab group as a post-doctoral researcher from Feburary 2021 to May 2021. His work focused on “Heterogeneous Molecular Catalysts for Artificial Photosynthesis”.


Estefanía Valenzuela Coronado
B.Sc student

Estefanía Valenzuela Coronado is an undergraduate student in Biotechnology Engineering at Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) in Mexico. She started her bachelor’s program in 2018. After receiving the Globalink Research Internship award from the Mitacs program, she joined Nguyen-Tri Lab at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in July 2022, to begin a research internship focused on the synthesis of nanofibers and porous beads from sustainable modified biomaterials for water remediation. She is also very interested in renewable energy, circular economy, and environmental issues.

Hong-Van Vu
B.Sc student

Hong Van Vu is an undergraduate student in Medical Biology in University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) in Vietnam. She started her bachelor program in 2018. Currently, she is taking part in an exchange program in University of Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) with Canada- ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED). She joins Nguyen-Tri Lab for her internship on preparation and characterization of antimicrobial activity of combined and hybrid nanoparticles.

Caroline Duchesnay
B.Sc Student

Caroline Duchesnay is currently an undergraduate student in Biological and Ecological Science Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). She started her bachelor degree in 2019. She joined Nguyen-Tri Lab from July 2021 to November 2021 for her internship focusing on developement of advanced methods to measure biological activity of textiles and antimicrobial materials.

Phillip Subranni
B.Sc Student

Phillip Subranni is currently an undergraduate in physics at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). He joined Nguyen-Tri Lab from May 1 to August 26, 2021 for his internship, whose main objective is to recycle used protective masks from UQTR in order to transform them into graphene. In particular, the study consists of synthesizing graphene using a chemical vapor deposition method, using used masks within the UQTR as raw material.

Mohamed Anouar Belhaj
B.Sc Student

Mohamed Anouar Belhaj obtained his first bachelor degree in microbiology immunology from Université de Montréal in 2013. He worked as a researcher for 18 months in a Microbiology Research Lab in Université de Montréal, with research interest on microalgae for the production of biodiesel. He obtained his second bachelor degree in medical biology in 2020 from Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, where he got two scholarships (BRPC) for the summer 2018 and summer 2019. His research interests was on bioremediation of contaminated soil, working on extractable polyphenols in cosmetics applications. He joined Nguyen-Tri Lab from January 2021 to June 2021 for his  internship research focusing on developement of advanced methods to measure antimicrobial activity of textiles.

Marine Lorrain
B.Sc Student

Marine Lorrain is an undergraduate student, enrolled in bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and biotechnology at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). She came to Québec and entered UQTR in 2017, after completing her studies in Guadeloupe, France. She joined Nguyen-Tri Lab from September 5 to December 15, 2020 to do internship research as part of her study program under the supervision of Professor Phuong Nguyen-Tri. Her works focused on developing methods to measure developing methods to measure antimicrobial activity of textiles.